Choose Your Plan And Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

Billed Monthly
Start free trial
This Plan Includes:
Up to 10,000 contacts
1 mobile-optimized store
Unlimited digital products
Unlimited calendar invites and bookings
Unlimited subscription memberships
Unlimited forms
Unlimited lists / newsletter builder
90-day analytics
Billed Monthly
Start free trial
Everything in Starter, plus:
Up to 100,000 contacts
3 mobile-optimized stores
Unlimited email marketing & funnels
Unlimited offer bumps, upsells, and discounts
Lifetime analytics
Pixel tracking
Remove Metacommerce logo
Priority email and live chat support
Custom Plans
Annual Contracts
Contact Us
Everything in Pro, plus:
Unlimited contacts
Custom contracts and SLAs
Dedicated customer success manager
In-house design team access
360-profiles and customer retargeting
Tech stack integrations
Customizable domain and privacy policies
Unlimited team members
Billed Annually (Save $48/year)
Start free trial
This Plan Includes:
Up to 10,000 contacts
1 mobile-optimized store
Unlimited digital products
Unlimited calendar invites and bookings
Unlimited subscription memberships
Unlimited forms
Unlimited lists / newsletter builder
90-day analytics
Billed Annually (Save $194/year)
Start free trial
Everything in Starter, plus:
Up to 100,000 contacts
3 mobile-optimized stores
Unlimited email marketing & funnels
Unlimited offer bumps, upsells, and discounts
Lifetime analytics
Pixel tracking
Remove Metacommerce logo
Priority email and live chat support
Custom Plans
Annual Contracts
Contact Us
Everything in Pro, plus:
Unlimited contacts
Custom contracts and SLAs
Dedicated customer success manager
In-house design team access
360-profiles and customer retargeting
Tech stack integrations
Customizable domain and privacy policies
Unlimited team members

Rally.Fan doesn't take a cut of your sales, no matter the plan you're on. Beyond Stripe's (2.9%+30c) transactions fees, you keep 100% of what your earn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to pay to use Rally?
Can I cancel my plan at anytime?
If I cancel my Rally account, will I lose my data?
What happens when I outgrow the limits on my plan?
What happens when my trial ends?
If I don’t like Rally, can I request a refund?