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How to Make Money on Substack (2024 Guide)

Last Updated:
August 19, 2024
Resource by:
Rally Editorial
Table of Contents

Substack has become a powerful platform for writers and creators to monetize their newsletters, offering a straightforward way to turn passion into profit. Whether you're a seasoned journalist or a hobbyist writer, Substack provides tools to help you grow your audience and generate income. 

This guide will walk you through the most effective strategies to make money with Substack newsletters in 2024.

Setting Up for Success on Substack

Building Your Subscriber Base

Before you can start earning money on Substack, it's crucial to build a strong subscriber base. A larger audience increases your potential revenue, whether through paid subscriptions, sponsorships, or other monetization methods.

Strategies for Growing Your Substack Audience:

  • Leverage Social Media: Promote your Substack on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Consistent promotion can help you attract new readers and grow your subscriber list.
  • Offer Free Content: Start by offering valuable content for free to attract subscribers. Once you've built a solid audience, you can introduce paid tiers for exclusive content.
  • Collaborate with Other Writers: Cross-promote with other Substack creators to tap into their audiences. This mutual promotion can significantly boost your visibility.

Crafting High-Quality Content

Creating high-quality content is essential for retaining subscribers and encouraging them to upgrade to paid tiers. Your content should be informative, engaging, and tailored to your niche.

Best Practices for Substack Content:

  • Consistency is Key: Regularly publish your newsletter on a schedule that your readers can depend on. Consistency helps build trust and keeps your audience engaged.
  • Personalization: Use a conversational tone and personalize your content to make it feel more intimate. Subscribers are more likely to stay if they feel a personal connection to your writing.
  • Visuals and Multimedia: Incorporate images, videos, and other multimedia elements to make your newsletters visually appealing and more engaging.

3 Ways to Make Money On Substack

1. Paid Subscriptions

One of the most straightforward ways to make money on Substack is through paid subscriptions. Once you’ve built a loyal audience, you can offer exclusive content to paying subscribers.

When to Introduce Paid Subscriptions:

  • Subscriber Threshold: A good rule of thumb is to wait until you have a few hundred subscribers before introducing paid options. This ensures that you have a solid base who might be willing to pay for premium content.
  • Pricing Tiers: Offer both monthly and yearly subscription options. For example, you might charge $5 per month or $50 per year, offering a discount for annual subscriptions.

Example: A writer with 500 subscribers might introduce a $5/month subscription for access to exclusive weekly content. If 10% of subscribers upgrade, that’s $250/month in revenue.

2. Sponsorships

Sponsorships can be a lucrative revenue stream, especially if you have a niche audience. Partnering with brands that align with your content can provide additional income.

How to Secure Substack Sponsorships:

  • Audience Fit: Only accept sponsorships that align with your audience's interests. Authenticity is crucial, as readers will quickly pick up on irrelevant or forced promotions.
  • Transparency: Clearly label sponsored content as "paid promotions" to maintain trust with your subscribers.
  • Frequency: Limit the number of sponsored posts to avoid overwhelming your readers. For example, one or two sponsored posts per month might be sufficient.

3. Creating a Paid Community

A paid community can be an excellent way to offer additional value to your subscribers while generating extra income. This could be a private Slack group, Discord server, or any other platform where your subscribers can interact with you and each other.

Benefits of a Paid Community:

  • Increased Engagement: A paid community fosters deeper connections between you and your audience, leading to higher engagement and retention rates.
  • Additional Content: You can offer exclusive content, such as Q&A sessions, behind-the-scenes insights, or live events, to your community members.

Example: A writer might charge $20/month for access to a private Discord server where they host weekly live chats and provide exclusive content.

Additional Substack Revenue Streams

Selling Digital Products

Digital products, such as eBooks, courses, or templates, can be sold alongside your Substack newsletter to create additional income streams.

Monetizing Substack with Digital Products:

  • Complementary Content: Create digital products that complement your newsletter content. For example, if you write about personal finance, you could sell a budgeting template or an eBook on financial planning.
  • Promotion: Use your newsletter to promote these products to your audience. Offer discounts or bundle deals to encourage purchases.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another way to monetize your Substack. By recommending products or services relevant to your audience, you can earn a commission on sales generated through your affiliate links.

Implementing Affiliate Marketing on Substack:

  • Relevance: Only promote products that are relevant to your audience. Irrelevant promotions can erode trust and harm your brand.
  • Disclosure: Always disclose affiliate links to maintain transparency with your readers.

Example: If you run a tech newsletter, you could include affiliate links to software tools or gadgets that you review or recommend.


Selling branded merchandise can be a fun and profitable way to engage your audience while boosting your income. Consider offering items like T-shirts, mugs, or other products that resonate with your brand.

Selling Merchandise Through Substack:

  • Branded Products: Create merchandise that reflects your newsletter’s theme or your personal brand. This could be as simple as a logo T-shirt or as specific as a product that ties directly into your content.
  • Promotional Strategy: Promote your merchandise in your newsletter, and offer special discounts to your paid subscribers as an incentive.

Advanced Tips for Maximizing Substack Revenue

Analyzing Your Metrics

Substack provides analytics tools to help you understand your audience better and optimize your content. Regularly reviewing these metrics can help you identify what’s working and what needs improvement.

Substack Analytics Best Practices:

  • Open Rates: Monitor your email open rates to gauge how well your subject lines and content are resonating with your audience.
  • Engagement: Track how many subscribers are clicking on links, sharing your content, or responding to calls to action.
  • Subscriber Growth: Analyze trends in your subscriber numbers to identify the impact of your promotional efforts and content strategies.

Cross-Promoting with Other Writers

Collaborating with other Substack writers can be an effective way to expand your audience and increase your revenue.

Cross-Promotion Strategies:

  • Guest Posts: Write guest posts for other newsletters in your niche, or invite other writers to contribute to yours. This introduces your work to a new audience.
  • Joint Promotions: Partner with other writers to offer joint promotions, such as bundled subscriptions or collaborative content.

Overcoming Challenges Making Money On Substack

Dealing with Subscriber Churn

Subscriber churn—when subscribers cancel their subscriptions—can significantly impact your revenue. Implementing strategies to reduce churn is crucial for maintaining a stable income.

Reducing Churn on Substack:

  • Consistent Quality: Ensure that your paid content consistently meets or exceeds your subscribers’ expectations.
  • Engagement: Regularly interact with your subscribers, whether through direct emails, community engagement, or personalized content.

Navigating the Business Side of Newsletter Creation

Managing the business aspects of your newsletter is essential for long-term success. This includes understanding taxes, accounting, and legal considerations specific to online content creators.

Business Management Tips for Substack Creators:

  • Tax Compliance: Ensure you understand your tax obligations, including income tax on your earnings and any applicable sales tax on digital products.
  • Legal Considerations: Protect your intellectual property and ensure that your terms of service and privacy policies are in place and up to date.


Making money with Substack newsletters in 2024 is not only possible but highly achievable with the right strategies. 

By focusing on building a loyal subscriber base, creating high-quality content, and diversifying your revenue streams, you can turn your newsletter into a profitable venture. 

Stay consistent, engage with your audience, and continually explore new monetization opportunities to maximize your success on Substack.

FAQ: Making Money with Substack Newsletters

How many subscribers do you need to make money on Substack?

  • To start making money on Substack, it's recommended to have at least a few hundred subscribers before introducing paid subscriptions. This allows you to gauge interest in your paid content and ensures a solid base of potential customers. The more subscribers you have, the better your chances of generating significant income, but even a small, engaged audience can be profitable.

How can I grow my Substack newsletter quickly?

  • Growing your Substack newsletter quickly involves a combination of consistent content creation, effective promotion, and audience engagement. Leveraging social media, cross-promoting with other writers, and offering free valuable content are key strategies. Additionally, optimizing your content for search engines and using email marketing techniques can help you attract more subscribers.

What is the best way to price a Substack subscription?

  • Pricing your Substack subscription depends on your audience and the value of the content you provide. Common pricing strategies include offering a monthly option (e.g., $5/month) and an annual option at a discounted rate (e.g., $50/year). Some creators also offer a premium tier with additional benefits for a higher price. Testing different price points and gathering feedback from your audience can help you find the right balance.

Can you make money on Substack without paid subscriptions?

  • Yes, you can make money on Substack without paid subscriptions by exploring alternative revenue streams. These include sponsorships, affiliate marketing, selling digital products, and creating a paid community. Each of these methods can complement your free content and provide additional income opportunities.
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