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The NFT Roadmap Guide (With Examples & Templates) - Blog Feature Image

NFT Roadmap Guide (With Examples & Template)

Last Updated:
June 28, 2024
Resource by:
Rally Editorial
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Welcome to our in-depth guide on NFT roadmaps. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of what NFT roadmaps are, their advantages and limitations, and real-life examples from successful projects. Additionally, we will be providing a basic template that you can use to get started creating your own NFT roadmap.

NFTs have become a popular topic in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space over the past couple of years, and for good reason. They allow for the creation of unique digital assets that can be bought, sold, and traded on the blockchain. However, creating a successful NFT project takes more than just technical knowledge; it also requires a clear vision and strategy. That's where NFT roadmaps come in. They provide both a clear path for the development and growth of your project and communicate your intent to your community members.

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of NFT roadmaps, their pros and cons, and how to create one for your own project.

What is an NFT Roadmap? 

An NFT roadmap is a plan that outlines the steps a creator, or team will take to launch and grow their own NFT project. It serves as a guide for the development and implementation of a new NFT ecosystem, from concept to launch, and lays out what the community can expect from the project post-mint.

An NFT roadmap typically includes a clear vision for the project, a list of key milestones, and a timeline for achieving them. It also generally identifies the resources needed for the project, including funding, personnel, and partnerships.

One important aspect of an NFT roadmap is the creation of a token economy. This involves determining how the NFTs will be used and valued within the ecosystem, as well as outlining the incentives for users to participate in the ecosystem.

Another key component of an NFT roadmap is the development of a strong community. This can include strategies for building a community of artists, creators, and enthusiasts around the project, as well as engaging with potential partners and collaborators.

NFT roadmaps also tend to include a plan for ongoing maintenance and growth of the project. This can include strategies for marketing, user acquisition, and community building, as well as plans for future developments and updates to the NFT ecosystem.

Overall, an NFT roadmap serves as a helpful, but not necessarily required tool for any organization or individual looking to launch an NFT project. It provides a clear and actionable plan for developing and launching a new NFT ecosystem, and helps ensure that the project stays on track and achieves its goals.

In the next section, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of using NFTs roadmaps so you can better understand whether implementing a roadmap is the right choice for your project or brand.

Pros and Cons of NFT Roadmaps

Knowing if you should implement an NFT roadmap can be a tough choice and there are many legitimate reasons as to why you may not want to have one. 

To help, we’ve weighed the pros and cons below;


There are several advantages to using an NFT roadmap to guide your project:

  1. Provides a clear vision and goals: NFT roadmaps provide a clear vision and goals for the NFT project, which helps the development team and stakeholders to understand the project's objectives and key results. This helps to align the project's vision and goals with the current state of the NFT market, target audience, and industry trends.
  2. Detailed plan for development: NFT roadmaps include a detailed plan for the development, launch, and growth of the project, which helps to track progress and make adjustments as needed. This includes information about the technology stack, tokenomics, and the team behind the project, which helps to ensure that the project is delivered on time and within budget.
  3. Plan for marketing and promotion: NFT roadmaps include a detailed plan for the marketing and promotion of the project, which is key to attract investors, partners, and users. This includes information about social media and community engagement strategies, as well as plans for PR and influencer marketing.
  4. Facilitates communication and engagement: NFT roadmaps provide a clear plan for communication and engagement with stakeholders, including investors, partners, and the community. This helps to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the project's status and next steps, and that any unexpected challenges or opportunities that arise during the project can be addressed.
  5. Helps to raise attention and sales: NFT roadmaps help to raise capital for the project, by providing a clear and concise plan for the development, marketing, and long-term goals of the project. This can be used to attract potential new owners and partners, and to demonstrate the project's potential for success, which can increase the chances of raising the necessary funds.


But on the other hand, there are some disadvantages to consider before diving into the creation of an NFT roadmap:

  1. Limited flexibility: NFT roadmaps provide a detailed plan for the development, launch, and growth of the project, but they can also limit flexibility. Projects may encounter unexpected challenges or opportunities that require adjustments to the roadmap, and if the roadmap is not flexible enough, it can be difficult to adapt to these changes.
  2. Limited scope: NFT roadmaps often focus on specific aspects of the project, such as development and marketing, but they may not take into account other important factors such as legal and regulatory compliance.
  3. Time-consuming to create: Creating an NFT roadmap can be a time-consuming process, requiring significant research and planning. This can be a challenge for businesses with limited resources or tight timelines.
  4. Risk of not achieving goals: NFT roadmaps set out a clear path for the project to follow, but if it's not executed correctly the project may not achieve its goals. This can be due to lack of funding, lack of support from the community, or lack of adoption of the project.
  5. Risk of over-promising: NFT roadmaps are used to attract investors and partners, but it's important to be realistic about what can be achieved, setting unrealistic goals can lead to disappointment and mistrust from potential partners or investors.
  6. Risk of becoming outdated: NFT roadmaps are created with a specific vision and goals, but if the market or the technology changes the roadmap can become outdated. This can lead to the project falling behind the market trends and becoming less attractive to investors and partners.

Do You Need a Roadmap for NFTs?

No, a community roadmap is not necessary for an NFT project. While a roadmap can be helpful in outlining goals and milestones, providing updates, and building community engagement, it is not a required component for a successful NFT project.

In some cases, a roadmap can cause issues if a project over promises and fails to deliver, so it is important to carefully consider the need for a roadmap and the potential risks before implementing one. 

Ultimately, the success of an NFT project will depend on a variety of factors, including the strength of the team, the value of the product, and the engagement of the community. Your roadmap is just a small component in this at the end of the day. 

Now with that out of the way, if you’re still looking to create a roadmap for your NFT project, let’s dive in and cover some of the basics.

How to create an NFT Roadmap

Businesses can create an NFT roadmap by following these steps:

  1. Define the project's vision and goals: The first step in creating an NFT roadmap is to clearly define the project's vision and goals. This includes identifying the problem or opportunity that the NFT project aims to address, as well as the specific objectives and key results that the project aims to achieve.
  2. Create a project timeline: Once the vision and goals have been defined, businesses can create a project timeline outlining the key milestones and deliverables for the NFT project. This timeline should include information about the project's current status, upcoming milestones, and key deliverables.
  3. Develop a tokenomics model: NFT projects rely on tokenomics, so it's important to develop a tokenomics model that outlines the project's token economics, including the total supply, token distribution, and the use cases for the token.
  4. Define the team: The team behind the project is crucial for the success of the NFT project, so it's important to define the team and their roles and responsibilities in the project. This section of the roadmap should also include information about the team's experience and their plans to build the community.
  5. Develop a marketing and promotion plan: An NFT roadmap should also include a detailed plan for the marketing and promotion of the project, including information about how the project will be marketed to potential investors, partners, and users. This may include information about the project's social media and community engagement strategies, as well as plans for PR and influencer marketing.
  6. Outline the development and maintenance plan: The NFT roadmap should also include a plan for the ongoing development and maintenance of the project, including details about how the project will be updated and supported after its launch. This may include information about bug fixing, feature development, and community engagement.
  7. Review and update the roadmap regularly: As the project progresses, it's important for businesses to review and update the NFT roadmap regularly to ensure that it remains aligned with the project's vision and goals, and that all stakeholders are aware of the project's status and next steps.

To help you better understand how to create your own NFT roadmap, what better way than to learn from some of the best. 

6 NFT Roadmap Examples to Learn From

In this section, we’ll cover some of the top projects in the space and provide examples of they’ve approached their NFT roadmaps. 


Azuki Mind Map

An effective NFT project roadmap should clearly outline the goals and milestones of the project, and provide regular updates to the community on its progress. Azuki's "Mindmap" is an excellent example of this, with its clean and aesthetic layout that groups its goals into seven distinct categories. 

Each category includes specific targets, and Azuki's community can easily see the progress of each goal marked as "Complete", "Exploring", or "In Progress". This approach provides the community with a clear and concise view of the project's progress, which is essential for building trust and engagement. 

Overall, a well-crafted NFT project roadmap like Azuki's "Mindmap" can be a powerful tool for communicating the project's vision and progress to the community, and ultimately driving its success in the Web3 ecosystem.

SOURCE: Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Apes/Yuga Labs

BAYC's NFT project roadmap is a great example of a simple yet effective approach to tracking progress. Instead of a detailed and elaborate plan, they have chosen to measure their progress by percentage of target sales. This approach might not be as elaborate but it is fully achieved which means that the team have accurately assessed their capabilities as developers and have delivered on their promises.

This approach is effective in keeping the community informed and engaged, while also building trust in the project's ability to execute on its vision. 

BAYC's roadmap is a great example of how a clear and achievable NFT project roadmap can be a powerful tool in driving the project's success within the Web3 ecosystem.

SOURCE: Cool Cats

Cool Cats

CoolCats is a digital collectible platform that uses a unique and engaging approach to their NFT project roadmap. Instead of a traditional linear timeline, CoolCats has created an interactive map that allows users to explore different areas of their project and learn more about the different features and functionalities that will be developed. 

Each area of the map is represented by a different cat character, and users can click on each character to learn more about the corresponding feature. This approach makes the roadmap more accessible and engaging for users, and allows them to easily understand the project's vision and progress. 

CoolCats roadmap is a great example of how a creative and interactive approach can make a roadmap more engaging and accessible for the community. Additionally, by breaking down complex goals into smaller and more manageable chunks, it allows the community to easily understand the project's progress and vision, which is essential for building trust and engagement.

SOURCE: Sorare Twitter


Sorare is a blockchain-based fantasy football game that uses NFTs to represent unique player cards. Their NFT roadmap outlines the development and launch of their game, including the use of Ethereum blockchain and the ERC-721 token standard. 

They have a clear vision of creating a decentralized gaming platform that allows users to own, trade and collect unique digital items, and they also have a clear plan for the game's development, including the launch of different leagues, and new functionalities, such as in-game tournaments. 

They also have a clear plan for the community engagement and the marketing of the game, which includes the use of social media, referral program, and partnerships with football clubs and players.

SOURCE: Aavegotchi Wiki


Aavegotchi is a blockchain-based game that uses NFTs to represent unique ghost pets. Their NFT roadmap is focused on the game's development and launch, which includes the use of Ethereum blockchain, the ERC-721 token standard, and the Aave protocol. 

They have a clear vision of creating a decentralized gaming platform that allows users to own, train and battle unique ghost pets, and they also have a clear plan for the game's development, including the launch of different features such as breeding, and different worlds, and they also have a clear plan for community engagement and the marketing of the game, which includes the use of social media, referral program, and collaborations with influencers and other games.

SOURCE: Pop Art Cats

Pop Art Cats

Pop Art Cats is a Digital Art collection by the artist Matt Chessco. It’s roadmap takes a playful approach providing it’s community with a map based outline of what to expect as the community grows and the artist produces more work. 

Examples of next steps include what art is coming, events, and merch drops. All of this combined helps community members to understand the value of the products and collectibles they are purchasing and can increase loyalty by promoting community feedback/participation.

NFT Roadmap Template

If it’s not clear yet, an NFT roadmap can serve as a valuable asset in outlining your plans and objectives, and in communicating them to your target audience. To help you get started with creating one (if you think it’s the right choice!), here's an example of a quarterly NFT project roadmap that can be tailored to suit your specific needs:


  • Develop a marketing strategy to increase awareness and excitement for your project.
  • Set a mint date for your NFTs and communicate it to your audience.
  • Consider launching an airdrop for holders of your NFTs.
  • Roll out a website and Discord channel to provide a platform for engagement and communication.
  • Utilize Twitter Spaces to connect with your community and build interest in your project.


  • Explore collaborations with other projects or artists to create exclusive and desirable collectables.
  • Develop merchandise related to your project to offer additional ways for users to engage with your brand.
  • Introduce exclusive collectables to your inventory to create a sense of scarcity and desirability.


  • Develop a game that incorporates your NFTs and community gamification to access future mints.
  • Plan a Metaverse event with OnCyber to showcase the capabilities of your NFTs and promote the project.


  • Roll out a token for your project and explore the possibilities of a DAO.
  • Consider opening a physical store that utilizes your NFTs in an innovative way.

It's important to note that this is just a sample roadmap and you should consider how to adapt it to your own project's goals and objectives. 

An NFT roadmap can help you stay organized and focused while providing a way to measure progress and success. By communicating your plans and objectives, you can build trust and excitement for your project, which is crucial for its success. But keep in mind that a roadmap is only good if you use it and deliver on your promises otherwise you’ll likely end up with more headaches than you wished for.

We’d love to hear from you

In conclusion, an NFT project roadmap is an essential tool for any NFT project. It provides a clear and concise plan for the development and launch of the project and allows for better communication and coordination among team members.

By including key milestones, timelines, and deliverables, an NFT project roadmap can help to ensure that the project stays on track and meets its goals. Additionally, by including a detailed marketing and community engagement plan, an NFT project roadmap can help to build a strong community around the project, which is essential for its long-term success. 

Overall, a well-crafted NFT project roadmap can be a valuable tool that can help to ensure the success of an NFT project and maximize its potential impact on the Web3 ecosystem.

But we’d love to hear your thoughts? Roadmaps can be a bit of a debate in space and we want to provide the most reasoned perspective to our audience. If you have something to add don’t hesitate to drop us a line!

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